Friday, December 10, 2010
To Be A Mother Is A Gift!
In six days, my precious, sweet, little Baby Girl will be nine months old... and I marvel at how much my life has changed and continues to be blessed in every way since the very day of her birth. To be a mother is a Gift indeed, a precious Gift from God that I can never thank God enough for, though, I thank Him often, many times throughout each day for the greatest blessing of Motherhood.
My husband and I were blessed very early on in our marriage with the most beautiful Gift of our daughter... it was on our Hawaiian Honeymoon, to be exact that she was conceived, just about a month after we were married and finding out the Good News that day, that God had chosen us to become parents and that I was going to become a mother, by far was one of the happiest days of my life, next to my wedding day and the day of my daughter's birth!
My daughter brings my husband and I and our entire family such JOY and LOVE! She is just such a Blessing... and all children are, and yet, to us, she is the most precious of all. Being a stay at home mom, I cherish all the time we get to spend with one another through each and every, new day. Every waking moment is another wondrous miracle after another... whether it be waking up to the Gift of a new day and her joyous smile... our special time while feeding her, while I pray for her and our family, changing another of her diapers, (when I am especially reminded to whisper, yet another prayer of thanksgiving for her... as there is a plaque above her changing table that reads, "Thank Heaven For Little Girls"), or countless other times throughout the day, for every moment with my daughter is so sacred and beautiful and miraculous!
I have waited a long time for us... prayed endlessly for her... and now she is finally here with me and my husband and it's more than a dream come true! I so look forward to continuing to dream, pray and build our new lives together, with my husband and daughter, as a new wife, new mother and new woman of God!
My life has changed in every way... and for the best... and it just keeps getting better and better! My heart grows more and more and is filled with even more Love for God, my husband, my daughter, myself, my family, and all!
The best is yet to come!
Monday, December 6, 2010
God's Grace Keeps Us!
God's Grace is absolutely abundant and flows endlessly, beautifully and eternally from His Heavenly throne and most sacred Heart! His will for us, seeming an unseen mystery, becomes seen and known to us, as we pray to God more and more and seek to know and do His Holy Will in our lives!
I love this little saying and continue to find it to be very true in my life! "The will of God will never leave you where the Grace of God can not keep you!"
God's Will is forever leading us on the beautiful Path God's paved especially for us. God's gentle Voice of Love and Grace call us continually to seek God's Will and carry it out in our lives. And God's Spirit is with us and in us to help us do just that!
God's Grace is very real and strong... it's God's Eternal Gift to us... and enables us to do what we could never do for God on our own. It gives us the strength to be exactly who God's created us to be... magnificent in Christ! We are created and bound for greatness! May we call upon God's Grace within us... and trust in It to see us through. By doing so, we can truly make real our dreams... for God's given them to us for that to do!
Blessings for a Grace-filled, beautiful day!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Come, Lord Jesus!
Advent is a time of great Grace from God. It's truly a sacred Gift and season that God gives us each year filled with His Light Divine, Grace, Hope Peace and Joy! I love all the seasons of the Church, though, Advent seems to call to my heart more and more each year, as my heart cries out... "Come, Lord Jesus!"
We who Love God and Love and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives long for Him in a way we long for no other. We long to hear His gentle, sweet voice calling our names, to draw closer to His Sacred Heart. We long to feel once again, the soft and gentle touch of His Grace we often feel when we pray to Him from the depths of our hearts with words that only He can hear and understand. We long to experience deeply the gift of our lives in a new and more profound way... to really feel what it's like to be living the most beautiful life God is calling us to live, the one He's especially created us to live.
We can truly find those Gifts to cherish in our hearts throughout each new season that comes, bringing its own unique gifts, though, especially during Advent when Christ's Light is shining so brightly in our hearts and in God's heart as He longs to give us the most beautiful Gift of Himself, once again at Christmas.
God's Love is very present during the Advent season and so is His Hope, Joy, Peace and Grace! With joyful hearts, we continue to await the coming of our Lord and Savior once again this Christmas to celebrate His birth. This sacred time, truly is a time of great transformation that holds miraculous and holy power to heal us and enable us of becoming the person we've always dreamed we could be! To truly live for Christ and have Christ live in us as well.
Come, Lord Jesus... and lead your people on the path You've made for us... the Path of Light, Hope, Joy, Love, Peace and Grace! We prepare our hearts and joyfully await your coming!!!
Come, Lord Jesus... and lead your people on the path You've made for us... the Path of Light, Hope, Joy, Love, Peace and Grace! We prepare our hearts and joyfully await your coming!!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
God's JOY Makes Real The Dreams He's Placed In Our Hearts!
"The JOY of the Lord is my stength! " ~ Nehemiah 8:10 I am loving this new Advent Journey and my heart continues to overflow with endless JOY and new songs of praise to our God of Love and Grace! He has saved my soul from death and given me a brand new life in Christ, purified me and stengthened me and given my heart a new song to sing! I feel so blessed by God for all the Good He's done for me and continues to do... and I so look forward to living the rest of my life... eternally living for Him, a life of Love, praise, service and worship to our God!
We truly find great stength in the Joy of the Lord, our God! May we thank and praise Him for filling our hearts with His Joy, which gives us the stength to do what we could never do on our own. May we live for Him and reach and make real the beautiful dreams He has placed in our hearts! May we God's children live and shine for Him with Joy and Praise! Amen!
Monday, November 29, 2010
As a Woman of God... I Have Much To Rejoice About!
"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again, I say, Rejoice!" ~ Philippians 4:4
"Rejoice, Rejoice Emmanuel... shall come to thee, Oh Israel!" It's the beautiful Advent season once again! It has just begun, with yesterday being the first Sunday of Advent, beginning the new liturgical year and my heart is already rejoicing! My home is all decorated with Christmasy things... and of course, upon our table we have our beautiful Advent candle bringing the bright Light of Emmanuel, that so reminds us that our God of LOVE is truly with us.
This year, I am especially excited to experience and travel this Advent Journey because I have my husband and our precious, little daughter to share it with... as well all of my sisters and brothers in Christ! I truly love all of the sacred seasons of our Church, but, Advent, for me is especially special! I really long to embark upon this mystical Faith Journey each new year and really celebrate it as it is meant to be celebrated... with the Love and Joy of Christ in my heart!
I am finding myself more and more these days, (especially since the most amazing experience of giving birth to my beautiful daughter eight and a half months ago), just praising and worshiping God more and well as REJOICING in all the Joy of each new day, as if I have suddenly remembered that this is truly what we are created to do! Indeed we are!
The meaning of Rejoice is to feel joyful; be delighted: rejoiced at the news; rejoiced in her friend's good fortune; To fill with joy; gladden; To have or possess: rejoices in a keen mind.
And as a Woman of God there is so much for me to feel deeply joyful about... to be delighted about and to delight in... for I rejoice at the Good News of Jesus Christ, Whom is my Savior and Lord of my life and has saved my soul from death and given me the Gift of eternal salvation! Yes... the Gift of Eternal Life I have been given by Him!
And this is much more than good fortune... though, I rejoice in all my friends' and loved ones Gift of Eternal Salvation as well... for this means we shall enjoy together, one day in Heaven, Life everlasting, the Life promised to us by God! My heart has been filled with the Gift of Joy by our God of Love and it overflows... I am deeply gladdened by the miracles of Hope He has brought forth in my life... and my soul, truly possess a Joy so real that no sadness or sorrow or trial could ever take it away! It's been given me by God and is mine and always will be! Amen... Praise God!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Trusting And Rejoicing In God's Unfailing Love!
God LOVES each and every one of us with a Love so great and big that we might even find it a challenge to comprehend it or imagine just how much He Loves us! God's Love is everlasting... and it's His eternal Gift to us... it stands through the test of time when all else fails.
My heart trusts and rejoices in God's unfailing Love and Gift of salvation. And what a blessed reassurance we all have, who place our hope and trust in God and the Gift of eternal salvation He offers us through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
My heart longs to reach out and touch the hearts of others, especially through the ministry God has blessed me and my husband with in the Gift of our music. My heart longs to especially reach the hearts of all the youth. I long to reach their hearts with God's message of Love, Hope and salvation... to let them know that there is a very clear and beautiful way in which they can walk, in which they are destined to walk that will surely lead them to eternal Life and bring them, truly, ALL the deep and complete fulfillment that their souls hunger for and seek.
That Way is through Jesus Christ, 'The Door of Everlasting Love!" I pray that through me and my ministry... God will use me to reach their hearts and the hearts of all His people through Jesus Christ. I pray that all God's people will seek His Loving Face and warm embrace and contemplate often how He Loves them.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Giving Thanks For All God's Blessings
Thanksgiving is almost here and my heart is filled with great praise, Love and gratitude to our God Who has blessed me with every good Gift from Heaven! My family and I have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, especially with the birth of my beautiful and precious daughter, Audrey Maria this past March! She continues to bless our lives in more ways than I even have words to say... with her big, beautiful heart of LOVE and Joy that seems to reach out and touch everyone she meets.
She is very special... (as all babies are), and continues to bring us all closer to God, as she is already so close to God. Her Joy for the Gift of Life is infectious... and reminds me too, of how wonderful it is just to be alive, having been given the blessed Gift of Life by God and the precious Gift of Eternal Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ!
What seem to be disappointments in my past continue to be transformed by God's unfailing Love and Grace into spiritual catalysts that have all brought me to an ever deeper conversion in Christ, Jesus as I continue to be transformed by God's Love and Grace into the true person He's created me to be. I Love Him with all my heart and soul and being and praise Him always for all the Love and kindness He has shown me and blessed me with.
I also continue to learn more and more with each new day, how to Love better and greater all my sisters and brothers in God's family as we are all called to do. My daughter has by far become my greatest teacher for this... and this is just one of the countless reasons why I am so thankful for her!
I am thankful too, for my vocation as a Catholic, Christian wife and mother and daughter of God as well as His servant, called to Love and serve Him and His people through the ministry He's given me... as I continue to share this Journey with my husband as well... as we, "Share the Gift of God's Love through the beautiful Gift of Music" that He inspires in our hearts!
We are created to Love and praise and serve God, while we continue to love others as ourselves. It is the ultimate sacred vocation of us all... and this is what gives my heart true Joy! I will continue to do so with thanksgiving and praise in my heart for God... and in some small way, I hope to inspire others to do the same.
Wishing you and yours a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! May everyday be Thanksgiving in our hearts for all of God's endless Blessings!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Love, Love, Love!
Hello Friends! I have so much in my heart that I would like to share! "Faith, Hope and Love... the greatest of these is LOVE!!!" This is one of my favorite Sacred Scripture verses and one that I am especially inspired by today for some reason, and so I feel like taking a few sacred moments to write about it!
In life, I have learned that the greatest lesson we can ever learn in any given situation, is Love! The Greatest Gift, (aside from the precious Gift of Life God has given us), is Love... and so the greatest Gift that we could ever give to another and receive from another is Love!
From the time I wake up in the morning till the time I close my day with evening prayer, I am always thanking God for the Gift of His Love in my life and I am teaching my sweet daughter to pray this simple prayer of thanksgiving to God as well!
God is Love and we are created so deliberately and so delicately, gloriously in His beautiful image and likeness of Love! God is Love... we are Love... born from Love... born to Love and be loved! And at the end of each and every day, no matter how many challenges we may have faced that would like to make us think otherwise... interwoven throughout every sacred moment is the Gift of God's divine Love... waiting to be seen and praised!
I praise God always for the Gift of His Love and encourage others to do the same! God's Love endures forever!!! And so will all who dwell in It! Amen! :)
Friday, October 8, 2010
God Has A Future Full Of Hope in Store For You And Me!
One of my all time favorite verses in Sacred Scripture is Jeremiah 29:11... "For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans to give you a future full of HOPE!" God spoke to my heart and soul in a real profound way through this verse a little over a decade ago and it changed and transformed my life in the most amazing ways, because I believed and had Faith that this special message of Hope was not just meant for Jeremiah so many years ago, but meant specifically for me, and us all!
We are created for greatness, for a future full of Hope... and are made for The Glory of God. God wants His Light, Love and Glory to shine and illuminate through and in us... in all we do.
No matter what unfortunate circumstances we may find ourselves in, in these especially challenging times we are living in, we can rest assured all the more that when we place all of Trust and Faith in God's Loving Promise of Hope for us, we will never be let down, but instead transformed by God's Promise as He will surely fulfill it for us and in us!
Nothing is impossible for God and there is no situation in this world that is too complicated or too hopeless for God to turn around for us, when we dare to place all of our Faith in Trust in Him! He wants us, so much to be happy and well and live lives that are beautiful... for He is glorified even more when we allow this amazing miracle to take place in our lives!
It really is up to us to help God make miracles of Hope and change in our lives, because God needs our willingness and openness to His help make it all happen. Let us praise God for all the Good He has already done in our lives, and all the more that He intends to do! :) There will be many Blessings to come in Him when we do!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
May God's Grace Be With You
Hello Friends! I feel inspired today to take a few sacred moments to pray for God's beautiful Grace to be upon you, upon me... upon us all! God's Grace is our eternal Gift from Him that strengthens us and enables us to do all things in Jesus Christ! It's God's power that He shares with us to allow us to rise high above the difficulties and things that seem impossible in this world and makes them possible with God and His Grace... (our Help from Heaven).
We really must rely upon God's Grace in all we do, and ask for it very often throughout our days. God will give it to us time and time again, (He has plenty of it to give to us all and He never runs out of it!). God's Grace, like His Mercy and Love... flow endlessly from a fountain in His heart into our humble hearts when we seek Him! How Blessed we all are that God Loves us so much and wants to help us with all that we are trying to accomplish in our lives... the will of God... which we are called to carry out!
Blessings of God's Grace be with you and upon you today and always as you live your life For Him! :)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
A Life of Grace in Christ
God's Grace is His Eternal gift to us. Without it, we could not live... we need it like the air we breath! God's Grace is a Gift that is unmerited, yet it's one that He gives us joyfully because He Loves us so much, His children and we are created to live a holy life for God and with God and in God. His Grace is His Gift of Heavenly Help that can aid us in doing things that we could not does otherwise without it.
Sacred Scripture echos God's message of Grace in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things in He Who strengthens me." It is Jesus Christ Who gives us the strength to do all things, and it's the Gift of His beautiful Grace that He gives us to do them!
I am so thankful to God for His precious Gift of Grace that has saved me, (and saves us all!), and I rely on it daily to become grow closer to God in my Christian Journey and vocation as a wife and mother and daughter of God. It has the power to sanctify us as we strive to be holy and blameless like Christ, in all we do. It's given by God without measure and it's free. A true Gift that God longs for us all to receive and allow to help us on a daily basis continuously throughout our days.
It is God Who outstretches His Hands on Love and Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Peace and Amazing Grace through Jesus Christ on the Cross, inviting all to take His hand and Journey with Him each and every day of our lives. A life lived with God and Jesus at our side, powered by The Holy Spirit, is a true Life of Grace that can help us become more holy and help us to become saints; for we are Heaven bound!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Embracing Our Heavenly Heritage
Something special that I tell my daughter often, (and even told her while she was still growing in my womb), is that she is God's beautiful Princess! And it's really true! Little girls especially, love princess stories... and the amazing thing is that each daughter of God has her own, special and beautiful princess story of her own. She is "God's girl," as I like to call my daughter, a daughter of the King of Heaven and Earth, of a Heavenly Father! I look forward to raising my daughter, always reminding her of this beautiful fact, that she is a real Princess, and in Heaven awaits her beautiful crown that she will receive and wear someday.
In the meantime, with the title of God's Princess comes a great responsibility. It's the responsibility of living "A Life of Grace and Love in Christ." To be gracious like God is to be Loving, kind, compassionate, peaceful and forgiving to all. It's the responsibility of also realizing and acknowledging that she is not the only one, but there are many, many other Princesses in God's Kingdom in Heaven and here on Earth.
It's the responsibility of helping other Princesses to recognize their own Heavenly Heritage as well as other princes. It's the responsibility of asking God to teach you how to live life on Earth as it is in Heaven. This is what I try to do on a daily basis as God's Princess as well... and I look forward to the Joy ahead as I walk with my daughter, teaching her to do the same. I am learning from her as well, because it's very apparent how close to God she already is... as all children are.
So whether you are a daughter or son of God, may you remember your Heavenly Heritage... as God's beloved child and take great joy in honoring Him and living a life of holy dignity as His Princess or Prince.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Rejoicing In A New Day!
Hello and Peace be with you! It's a beautiful, new morning and I am so thankful for this day! After all... "This is the day that the Lord, (Our Lord of Love), has made... let us REJOICE and be glad!" I am truly trying to take that verse to heart in all I do and have been for quite some time now. Yet, I must say, that it is even more easy now to do so, since the birth of my beautiful and precious daughter, Audrey Maria! :) Truly my life has changed in every way and for the best! I love her so much and she brings such JOY to my life that it's beyond words. She has such Love in her heart and such Goodness... she's so grateful for the miraculous gift of life that God is given her and it's so apparent in all she does. Her little smile and laugh are infectious. She lights up my world with the Light in her eyes... it's the Light of Christ I see shining in her and she's the miracle I prayed to God for!
Yes, I am a very proud Mommy, as all Mommies should be. Children are such a Gift and Blessing from God, they truly are. And I just want to live the rest of my life... REJOICING in each new day with her and my family. There is so much to be thankful for in life... the Gift of our lives and God's Love being among the greatest!
I take my vocation as a Catholic Christian wife and mother to heart! I have decided to stay at home with my daughter and raise her and I am so happy about this decision and feel very fortunate and blessed that I am able to do this. I know that it's one of the most important things I will ever do, and I intend to live out this vocation with everything that I am... with God's Grace!
Children are so close to God, already and so loved by Him, as they love Him too, and yet, we must teach them about God and raise them to know even more about Him and to love and serve Him. It must start in our home and this is what I so look forward to as a mother.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hello and Welcome To Jennifer Grace Ministry
Hello! Peace and Love be with you! I feel inspired to begin a new blog spot now that I have given birth to my beautiful, daughter, Audrey Maria! My life is so blessed and has changed in every way for the best. I want to write about it and share with you the special inspirations that come my day on a daily basis. I hope you will be blessed by what I have to say here. Life is beautiful... we are Graced when we have God's Love in our hearts and lives.
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