Hello Friends! I have so much in my heart that I would like to share! "Faith, Hope and Love... the greatest of these is LOVE!!!" This is one of my favorite Sacred Scripture verses and one that I am especially inspired by today for some reason, and so I feel like taking a few sacred moments to write about it!
In life, I have learned that the greatest lesson we can ever learn in any given situation, is Love! The Greatest Gift, (aside from the precious Gift of Life God has given us), is Love... and so the greatest Gift that we could ever give to another and receive from another is Love!
From the time I wake up in the morning till the time I close my day with evening prayer, I am always thanking God for the Gift of His Love in my life and I am teaching my sweet daughter to pray this simple prayer of thanksgiving to God as well!
God is Love and we are created so deliberately and so delicately, gloriously in His beautiful image and likeness of Love! God is Love... we are Love... born from Love... born to Love and be loved! And at the end of each and every day, no matter how many challenges we may have faced that would like to make us think otherwise... interwoven throughout every sacred moment is the Gift of God's divine Love... waiting to be seen and praised!
I praise God always for the Gift of His Love and encourage others to do the same! God's Love endures forever!!! And so will all who dwell in It! Amen! :)