Monday, January 24, 2011

"And A Child Shall Lead Them"

So today, I feel inspired to write a little bit more about my personal life in this blog, since that was my original vision for it, so here it goes! :)

I don't know if there are even enough words to describe how much I LOVE being a mother and just how much my precious, little daughter, Audrey Maria has touched and blessed my heart, life and soul! She is the answer to every prayer I've ever prayed, it seems... and my life's greatest Blessing and Miracle! Everyday is a beautiful, new journey and great adventure and I am so very thankful to just live in each moment, in there "here and now," with her to enjoy each and every bit of it!

There are so many things that she is doing now, at ten months old... that just bless my heart every time she does them. She makes me laugh all the time, because she has a really funny and sweet sense of humor and also because she's just so adorable.

Let's see, what are some of the things that she is now doing? Well, she has been saying Ma-Ma, (and sometimes, Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma), and Da-Da for quite some time and she knows that she is calling my husband and myself when she says those words which is the cutest! She also has come up with her own sign language for, "come here," or "please give that to me," as she motions little hand towards herself... which always draws all  of our hearts closer to hers! She is crawling all over the place and fast and pulling herself up to standing position at every chance she gets. She is always testing herself and letting go of what she's holding onto to see if she can stand on her own, and one day soon she will be able to. She has two, little, bottom teeth growing in that show every time she smiles because her smile is so big and bright! 

Each and every day, I am reminded of one of my favorite Sacred Scripture verses from Isaiah 11:6... "And a little child shall lead them," because, although I am her mother and am meant to teach her about the world, about God, life and so much more... still, I find her teaching me every single day, in so many ways about so many things, but mostly about God's Love! She is God's Girl, as I like to call her, a Heavenly Princess, because truly, she is a daughter of a Heavenly Father and King. She Loves God very much and honors and fears Him in her own special way! I can see that, already, so clearly and I know that it is my most important job to guard, protect and nurture that ever so beautiful Love and Fear she has in her heart for God. And I pray every day for God's Grace to do so and with it, I will.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy New Year 2011... Christ, Our Hope Seeks Us Out!

Hello Friends and Happy New Year 2011! It's a brand new year of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace and countless blessings for we who hope in our God of Love and Mercy, Compassion and Grace! I look forward to it with great expectation, as I strive to live each new day to the fullest, full of gratitude for this divine Gift given to me by God.

As always, Hope continues to be a very big theme in my life, a river running and flowing ever steady and true that inspires me and encourages me on my life's journey and gives me the determination to strive to be the very best I can be in all that I do!  Hope also gives me the strength and power to "fly," as it were with wings of Faith as I continue to reach high towards attaining the beautiful and even new dreams that God has placed within my heart and helped me to rediscover.

Christ is our Hope... and my Love for Him grows stronger every day, as I mediate throughout each day upon His endless Mercy, Love and Grace. He fills my heart with an endless amount of Hope as I hold close to my heart the special promise God personally spoke to my heart and made very real to me in my life several years ago... from Jeremiah 29:11... "For I know well the plans I have in mind for you says the Lord, plans to give you a future full of Hope!"

Hope, Like Christ, seeks us out in a very personal way and empowers us with God's very real Presence and this happens especially when we open up the Book of Sacred Scripture and allow God's timeless message of Love to find a home within us.

I pray that in this new year, I will continue to hunger and thirst for God's Holy Presence in my life and I also pray that others will do the same. May we seek Him out, as He does us, in the most personal way... especially in Sacred Scripture... and may be enlightened and strengthened with His Gift of New Hope in this New Year 2011 to be the most beautiful people He's created us to be! 

There's so much Hope for our future! I praise God for this... and live my life in endless Hope!