Happy First Sunday of Advent! I am very excited about this beautiful season of Light, Hope, and Peace as it is one of my favorite liturgical seasons. This year, it is extra special for me, since I am 4 months pregnant with my second child and also because my daughter, Audrey, although, is only 20 months, is still able to understand quite a bit and I get to celebrate and share this season with her as well!
Advent is a special and sacred time of hopeful and patient waiting and longing. We are waiting and longing for the coming and birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, just as Mary, His Mother and so many others waited and longed for His birth so long ago.
Although, Jesus was in deed born for us all, over 2,000 years ago, and has since died and returned to Heaven, we still wait and long for a Savior all the same today just as they did so many years ago. We wait and long for Christ the King to come to us, once again, so that He may be born once more in our very hearts! And so we prepare our homes and most of all our hearts and lives for His coming at Christmas so that we may fully be able to receive Him with true Joy, openness and Grace, so as to celebrate and receive the most beautiful miracles of the Christmas Feast that God longs to give each and every one of us!
In my own life, I can relate to what Mary must have been going through, preparing for the birth of Her Son, Jesus, as I continue to prepare my myself and my life for my new child, still growing within my womb, due to be born this April. And just like God chose Mary to be the Mother of His Son, God has also chosen me to be the mother of His child as well. And the great blessing that I feel because of that is just amazing. Like Mary waited and longed to greet and welcome the child of Her womb into the world, I do the same and pray that God will bless my child with a pure Love for Him and a deep desire to always Love Him and stay close to Him, as He has my daughter.
Throughout this beautiful Advent Season of Hope, Light and Peace... please know that I am keeping you in my prayers as we all journey closer and closer to the Feast of Christmas! May your Advent Journey be blessed in every way and may you come to experience the real Presence of Christ in your life in a way like never before!
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