Sunday, October 31, 2010

Love, Love, Love!

Hello Friends! I have so much in my heart that I would like to share! "Faith, Hope and Love... the greatest of these is LOVE!!!" This is one of my favorite Sacred Scripture verses and one that I am especially inspired by today for some reason, and so I feel like taking a few sacred moments to write about it!

In life, I have learned that the greatest lesson we can ever learn in any given situation, is Love! The Greatest Gift, (aside from the precious Gift of Life God has given us), is Love... and so the greatest Gift that we could ever give to another and receive from another is Love!

From the time I wake up in the morning till the time I close my day with evening prayer, I am always thanking God for the Gift of His Love in my life and I am teaching my sweet daughter to pray this simple prayer of thanksgiving to God as well!

God is Love and we are created so deliberately and so delicately, gloriously in His beautiful image and likeness of Love! God is Love... we are Love... born from Love... born to Love and be loved! And at the end of each and every day, no matter how many challenges we may have faced that would like to make us think otherwise... interwoven throughout every sacred moment is the Gift of God's divine Love... waiting to be seen and praised!

I praise God always for the Gift of His Love and encourage others to do the same!  God's Love endures forever!!! And so will all who dwell in It! Amen! :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

God Has A Future Full Of Hope in Store For You And Me!

One of my all time favorite verses in Sacred Scripture is Jeremiah 29:11... "For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans to give you a future full of HOPE!" God spoke to my heart and soul in a real profound way through this verse a little over a decade ago and it changed and transformed my life in the most amazing ways, because I believed and had Faith that this special message of Hope was not just meant for Jeremiah so many years ago, but meant specifically for me, and us all!

We are created for greatness, for a future full of Hope... and are made for The Glory of God. God wants His Light, Love and Glory to shine and illuminate through and in us... in all we do. 

No matter what unfortunate circumstances we may find ourselves in, in these especially challenging times we are living in, we can rest assured all the more that when we place all of Trust and Faith in God's Loving Promise of Hope for us, we will never be let down, but instead transformed by God's Promise as He will surely fulfill it for us and in us!

Nothing is impossible for God and there is no situation in this world that is too complicated or too hopeless for God to turn around for us, when we dare to place all of our Faith in Trust in Him! He wants us, so much to be happy and well and live lives that are beautiful... for He is glorified even more when we allow this amazing miracle to take place in our lives!

It really is up to us to help God make miracles of Hope and change in our lives, because God needs our willingness and openness to His help make it all happen.  Let us praise God for all the Good He has already done in our lives, and all the more that He intends to do! :) There will be many Blessings to come in Him when we do! 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

May God's Grace Be With You

Hello Friends! I feel inspired today to take a few sacred moments to pray for God's beautiful Grace to be upon you, upon me... upon us all! God's Grace is our eternal Gift from Him that strengthens us and enables us to do all things in Jesus Christ! It's God's power that He shares with us to allow us to rise high above the difficulties and things that seem impossible in this world and makes them possible with God and His Grace... (our Help from Heaven). 

We really must rely upon God's Grace in all we do, and ask for it very often throughout our days. God will give it to us time and time again, (He has plenty of it to give to us all and He never runs out of it!). God's Grace, like His Mercy and Love... flow endlessly from a fountain in His heart into our humble hearts when we seek Him! How Blessed we all are that God Loves us so much and wants to help us with all that we are trying to accomplish in our lives... the will of God... which we are called to carry out! 

Blessings of God's Grace be with you and upon you today and always as you live your life For Him! :)