Tuesday, November 30, 2010

God's JOY Makes Real The Dreams He's Placed In Our Hearts!

"The JOY of the Lord is my stength! " ~ Nehemiah 8:10  I am loving this new Advent Journey and my heart continues to overflow with endless JOY and new songs of praise to our God of Love and Grace! He has saved my soul from death and given me a brand new life in Christ, purified me and stengthened me and given my heart a new song to sing! I feel so blessed by God for all the Good He's done for me and continues to do... and I so look forward to living the rest of my life... eternally living for Him, a life of Love, praise, service and worship to our God!

We truly find great stength in the Joy of the Lord, our God! May we thank and praise Him for filling our hearts with His Joy, which gives us the stength to do what we could never do on our own. May we live for Him and reach and make real the beautiful dreams He has placed in our hearts! May we God's children live and shine for Him with Joy and Praise! Amen!

Monday, November 29, 2010

As a Woman of God... I Have Much To Rejoice About!

"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again, I say, Rejoice!" ~ Philippians 4:4

"Rejoice, Rejoice Emmanuel... shall come to thee, Oh Israel!" It's the beautiful Advent season once again! It has just begun, with yesterday being the first Sunday of Advent, beginning the new liturgical year and my heart is already rejoicing! My home is all decorated with Christmasy things... and of course, upon our table we have our beautiful Advent candle bringing the bright Light of Emmanuel, that so reminds us that our God of LOVE is truly with us. 

This year, I am especially excited to experience and travel this Advent Journey because I have my husband and our precious, little daughter to share it with... as well all of my sisters and brothers in Christ! I truly love all of the sacred seasons of our Church, but, Advent, for me is especially special! I really long to embark upon this mystical Faith Journey each new year and really celebrate it as it is meant to be celebrated... with the Love and Joy of Christ in my heart!

I am finding myself more and more these days, (especially since the most amazing experience of giving birth to my beautiful daughter eight and a half months ago), just praising and worshiping God more and more...as well as REJOICING in all the Joy of each new day, as if I have suddenly remembered that this is truly what we are created to do! Indeed we are!

The meaning of Rejoice is to feel joyful; be delighted: rejoiced at the news; rejoiced in her friend's good fortune; To fill with joy; gladden; To have or possess: rejoices in a keen mind. 

And as a Woman of God there is so much for me to feel deeply joyful about... to be delighted about and to delight in... for I rejoice at the Good News of Jesus Christ, Whom is my Savior and Lord of my life and has saved my soul from death and given me the Gift of eternal salvation! Yes... the Gift of Eternal Life I have been given by Him!

And this is much more than good fortune... though, I rejoice in all my friends' and loved ones Gift of Eternal Salvation as well... for this means we shall enjoy together, one day in Heaven, Life everlasting, the Life promised to us by God! My heart has been filled with the Gift of Joy by our God of Love and it overflows... I am deeply gladdened by the miracles of Hope He has brought forth in my life... and my soul, truly possess a Joy so real that no sadness or sorrow or trial could ever take it away! It's been given me by God and is mine and always will be! Amen... Praise God!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Trusting And Rejoicing In God's Unfailing Love!

God LOVES each and every one of us with a Love so great and big that we might even find it a challenge to comprehend it or imagine just how much He Loves us! God's Love is everlasting... and it's His eternal Gift to us... it stands through the test of time when all else fails.

My heart trusts and rejoices in God's unfailing Love and Gift of salvation. And what a blessed reassurance we all have, who place our hope and trust in God and the Gift of eternal salvation He offers us through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

In this ever changing world that we are living in... we have many alternative options before us and illusions that try to lead us into believing that they can offer us hope and salvation from what sin brought on from the very beginning in The Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and fell for the lie of the enemy. Through, they will not bring our souls salvation. Only God can give us the eternal Gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

My heart longs to reach out and touch the hearts of others, especially through the ministry God has blessed me and my husband with in the Gift of our music. My heart longs to especially reach the hearts of all the youth. I long to reach their hearts with God's message of Love, Hope and salvation... to let them know that there is a very clear and beautiful way in which they can walk, in which they are destined to walk that will surely lead them to eternal Life and bring them, truly, ALL the deep and complete fulfillment that their souls hunger for and seek.

That Way is through Jesus Christ, 'The Door of Everlasting Love!" I pray that through me and my ministry... God will use me to reach their hearts and the hearts of all His people through Jesus Christ. I pray that all God's people will seek His Loving Face and warm embrace and contemplate often how He Loves them.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Giving Thanks For All God's Blessings

Thanksgiving is almost here and my heart is filled with great praise, Love and gratitude to our God Who has blessed me with every good Gift from Heaven! My family and I have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, especially with the birth of my beautiful and precious daughter, Audrey Maria this past March! She continues to bless our lives in more ways than I even have words to say... with her big, beautiful heart of LOVE and Joy that seems to reach out and touch everyone she meets. 

She is very special... (as all babies are), and continues to bring us all closer to God, as she is already so close to God.  Her Joy for the Gift of Life is infectious... and reminds me too, of how wonderful it is just to be alive, having been given the blessed Gift of Life by God and the precious Gift of Eternal Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ!

Like many other people, and like many of the saints as well, I've lived through and overcome, (with the Grace and help of God), some very challenging, difficult and painful times in my life. Yet, when I meditate upon all the special blessings that God has given me and continues to give me, as I continue to pray to Him on a daily basis and grow in His Grace on my Faith Journey... all of the hurts that I have ever experienced in my life are washed over and continue to be healed by the Life-giving Grace and Love of He Who Loves me with an everlasting Love and is forever drawing me to journey closer to His Sacred Heart!

What seem to be disappointments in my past continue to be transformed by God's unfailing Love and Grace into spiritual catalysts that have all brought me to an ever deeper conversion in Christ, Jesus as I continue to be transformed by God's Love and Grace into the true person He's created me to be. I Love Him with all my heart and soul and being and praise Him always for all the Love and kindness He has shown me and blessed me with. 

I also continue to learn more and more with each new day, how to Love better and greater all my sisters and brothers in God's family as we are all called to do. My daughter has by far become my greatest teacher for this... and this is just one of the countless reasons why I am so thankful for her!

I am thankful too, for my vocation as a Catholic, Christian wife and mother and daughter of God as well as His servant, called to Love and serve Him and His people through the ministry He's given me... as I continue to share this Journey with my husband as well... as we, "Share the Gift of God's Love through the beautiful Gift of Music" that He inspires in our hearts!

We are created to Love and praise and serve God, while we continue to love others as ourselves. It is the ultimate sacred vocation of us all... and this is what gives my heart true Joy! I will continue to do so with thanksgiving and praise in my heart for God... and in some small way, I hope to inspire others to do the same.

Wishing you and yours a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! May everyday be Thanksgiving in our hearts for all of God's endless Blessings!