Thursday, December 15, 2011

Giving Glory To God, Most High!

I am up early this Advent morning, and I am giving Glory to our awesome God Who has blessed me so much, with His Love and Grace and I thank Him and glorify Him for continuing to do so.  As I praise and glorify God, my precious daughter dances and leaps about with Joy in my womb. She of all people, knows the goodness of praising and glorifying God.  My 20 month old daughter, Audrey too, loves to sing, "Glory to God!" and I am reminded that when we do... God draws even nearer to us and blesses us with His Loving Presence and certainty that He is truly our Almighty God Who can, will and will continue to do amazing things in our lives.

Our God of Everlasting Life and Miracles will continue to bless us and Love us and mold and transform us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ, as we continue to Love and serve Him and live our lives for Him!

During this most beautiful and Grace-filled Advent Season that only comes once a year... I open my heart wide to God and lift up my hands and soul to Him in praise and worship... giving Him all the Glory He so deserves... for He is our God... and an awesome God at that... Who can do all things!

As we draw closer to Christmas and the New Year, I hold in my heart this morning, all the people who are suffering at this time, who might not feel like they have a reason this year to rejoice, praise and glorify God.  I reach out my heart to them, especially, in prayer, and say... "Rejoice, my friends... praise and glorify our awesome God, Who Loves you with an everlasting Love... Who has an amazing plan of Hope and Goodness for your lives... Who comes, especially now, to save and redeem you and make you new in Him.  Have Hope in your heart... and give Him all the Glory, for He longs to bless you and Love you give your life the greatest meaning and purpose of all.  For you belong to Him and Heaven is your true Home!"

Wishing you a beautiful Advent day, filled with lots of Advent Light, Hope, Joy, Peace and Glory to God, Most High!

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